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Welcome to the birth list of


daughter of Sarah & Mattia

[Per la versione ITALIANA, cliccare su “FR” in alto a destra]
[Für DEUTSCH, klick auf “NL” in der Sprachauswahl oben rechts]

Dear family and friends,

Thanks for passing by our birth list! To celebrate and welcome our baby we have created this list of presents, which is mainly made up of second hand products and based on our real wishes and needs. If you wish to make our child and us a gift, take a look at the list below! If there is anything you like, you can select the item and sponsor it in full, or in part. Mic Mac Miniscule has already provided us with all the items, and we will automatically be informed about your contribution. Please do not feel obliged to buy anything from this list. We would be equally happy about your call, postcard or visit :)

Thank you and much love,
Sarah and Mattia

Welcome to the birth list of


daughter of Sarah & Mattia

[Per la versione ITALIANA, cliccare su “FR” in alto a destra]
[Für DEUTSCH, klick auf “NL” in der Sprachauswahl oben rechts]

Dear family and friends,

Thanks for passing by our birth list! To celebrate and welcome our baby we have created this list of presents, which is mainly made up of second hand products and based on our real wishes and needs. If you wish to make our child and us a gift, take a look at the list below! If there is anything you like, you can select the item and sponsor it in full, or in part. Mic Mac Miniscule has already provided us with all the items, and we will automatically be informed about your contribution. Please do not feel obliged to buy anything from this list. We would be equally happy about your call, postcard or visit :)

Thank you and much love,
Sarah and Mattia

Jammer, deze lijst werd al afgesloten. Vraag even aan de ouder(s) zelf of ze nog iets kunnen gebruiken.